Handmade Canberra Virtual Market 20/21st March
20 and 21st March I am doing my first virtual market for the year.
Just in time for Mothers Day!
The Directory of all the sellers is live now, so go have a look and take note of your favourite sellers. Then on the 20th and 21st all the special offers for the market go live! There are always great deals on the day.
Follow along on the hashtag #handmadevirtual and follow @handmadeaust to get sneak peeks of products.
Make sure you know exactly when the market goes live by signing up to the Handmade newsletter
Handmade are one of my favourite Australian markets. The best thing about them is everything sold at the market is Australian Made. All of the sellers are high quality and beautiful. It is the place to find the best of Australian Handmade.
I can't wait to be in Canberra again and do an in person Handmade Market!