FINDER KEEPERS AT HOME - Supporting Forest Regeneration

Over the Finders Keepers at Home event I am supporting Carbon Positive Australia’s Tree Planting Program.
I will be donating $4 per order to go towards Carbon Positive Australia’s Tree Planting Program.
After the devastation of last years Bush fires, I want to do something productive towards preventing this happening in the future. After watching The Fight for Planet A, investing in regeneration of forests and native plants seemed like a great option. Everything about planting trees and native bushland only has incredible benefits.
I chose to start with offsetting my deliveries through Greenfleet as they have previously worked on projects that have worked in consultation with local Aboriginal councils to revegetate the local area.
I would love to find a program independently run by Aboriginal Australians to further support Indigenous land management - if you know of any please get in touch to let me know!